Group Registration

24-Hour Helpline
(909) 370-3568

or (800) 397-2333

Eastern Inland Empire Area

This page contains the Group Registration Form for the Eastern Inland Empire Area of NA. If you are looking to add a new meeting to the directory for this area, or you need to update your meeting’s information, please print and complete the registration form and bring it to the ASC meeting (2nd Sunday of each month and 5:00PM).

Click here to download the Group Registration Form.

Please refer to the two tables below when completing the “Online Meeting Directory Tags” and “Printed Meeting Directory Tags” sections on the registration form.

Eastern Inland Empire Area Logo

Contact Us!

Contact our 24-hour helpline at
(909) 370-3568 or (800) 397-2333.

Llame a nuestra línea de asistencia en español:
(888) NA-AHORA.

The first table is a list of available tags you can add to your meeting’s online listing. These are different from the tags available for the printed meeting directory. The second table is a list of available tags you can add to your meeting’s listing in our printed directory.

Online Meeting Directory Tags

Tag Description
Open This meeting is open to addicts and non-addicts.
Closed This meeting is closed to non-addicts.
Closed Holidays This meeting gather is a facility that is usually closed on holidays.
Restricted attendance This facility places restrictions on attendees.
Surveillance cameras This meeting is held in a facility that has surveillance cameras.
Guiding Principles This meeting is focused on discussion of the Guiding Principles text.
Wheelchair This meeting is wheelchair accessible.
Outside This meeting is held outside.
Virtual meeting This meeting meets virtually.
Hybrid meeting This meeting meets virtually and in-person.
No smoking Smoking is not allowed at this meeting.
Smoking permitted Smoking is permitted at this facility.
Español This meeting can be attended by Spanish speakers.
Bilingual This meeting can be attended by speakers of English and another language.
ASL This meeting provides an American Sign Language interpreter for the deaf.
Men This meeting is meant to be attended by men only.
Women This meeting is meant to be attended by women only.
LGBTQ Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender Questioning
Young people This meeting focuses on the needs of younger NA members.
Beginners This meeting focuses on the needs of the new NA member.
Chidren welcome Children are welcome at this meeting.
No children Please do not bring children to this meeting.
Children under supervision Well behaved, supervised children are welcome at this meeting.
No cell phone This meeting does not allow cell phones during the meeting.
Timer Thgis meeting has sharing time limited by a timer.
Open-ended No fixed duration. This meeting continues until everyone present has had a chance to share.
Book study This meeting focuses on NA approved books.
Literature study This meeting focuses on discussion of any of the currently approved NA literature.
Basic text This meeting focuses on discussion of the NA Basic Text.
It Works How and Why This meeting focuses on discussion of the It Works How and Why text.
Informational pamphlet This meeting focuses on discussion of one or more NA Informational Pamphlets.
Just for Today This meeting focuses on discussion of the Just for Today text.
Step Working Guide This meeting focuses on discussion of the Step Working Guide text.
Living Clean This meeting focuses on discussion of the Living Clean text.
Step This meeting focuses on discussion of the 12 steps of NA.
Tradition This meeting focuses on discussion of the 12 traditions of NA.
Concepts This meeting focuses on discussion of the 12 concepts of NA.
Traditions workshop This meeting engages in detailed discussion of one or more of the 12 traditions of NA.
Speaker This meeting is a speaker meeting.
Rotating format This meeting has a format that changes each meeting.
Topic This meeting is based on a topic chosen by a speaker or group conscience.
Discussion This meeting invites participation by all attendees.
Question and answer Attendees may ask questions and expect answers from group members.
Illness This meeting is focused on the needs of NA members with chronic illnesses.
Meditation This meeting encourages attendees to engage in quite meditation.
Candlelight This meeting is held by candlelight.
Pitch This meeting has a format that consists of each person who shares picking the next person.
Tag This meeting allows the last person to share to tag the next person to share.
Round robin This meeting has a fixed sharing order, usually a circle.
Five and dime Discussion of the fifth step and tenth step.
Ask-it-basket A topic is chosen from suggestions placed into a basket.


Printed Directory Tags

Tag Description
(C) Closed for addicts only
(O) Open-all are welcome
(VM) Virtual
(SM) Smoking
(NS) Non-smoking
(WH) Wheelchair accessible
(P) Participation
(D) Discussion
(CS) Children under supervision
(CW) Children welcome
(Ti) Timer
(W) Women
(M) Men
(LS) Literature study
(BK) Book study
(CH) Closed holidays
(HY) Hybrid meeting
(RA) Restricted attendance
(NCP) No cell phone



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