SBTW Sign Up Form
24-Hour Helpline
(909) 370-3568
or (800) 397-2333

Sponsorship Behind The Walls
Someone will contact you from the committee and schedule a phone interview after you fill this form out. Thank you for your interest.
Here is a brief introduction regarding what to expect and how it works.
What we do:
We guide our sponsee through the 12 steps of NA (Narcotics Anonymous)
After your initial contact letter, all letters are private between you and your sponsor
We send only NA-approved literature directly from the publisher to our sponsee
We sponsor only to the gate, with the exception of a short transition period after the
sponsee’s release
We limit contact with our sponsees to writing only
We refrain from providing personal telephone numbers, address, photos, and any other
information or items prohibited by our guidelines
We will follow all the rules and regulations of your facility
We will exercise discretion about writing about any matter that could be construed as to
jeopardize your safety and the security of your facility, its staff, its residents, this
subcommittee, or anyone else

Contact Us!
Contact our 24-hour helpline at
(909) 370-3568 or (800) 397-2333.
Llame a nuestra línea de asistencia en español:
(888) NA-AHORA.
What we do not do:
We don’t sponsor those with one year or less left to serve
We don’t pen pal
We don’t continue to sponsor upon release, with the exception of a short transition
We don’t supply sponsees with materials, including envelopes, stamps, pre-stamped
envelopes, writing paper, and writing implements
We don’t send any books, tapes, or items of this nature to anyone we do not sponsor
We don’t contact anyone for you by letter or otherwise
We don’t call or visit sponsees, or have any contact with them outside the facility
We don’t put money on your books, send food or care packages, or send anything other
than letters
We don’t arrange a sponsor on the outside for you upon release
We don’t write letters to the parole board
We don’t send out information on treatment or living facilities available on the outside
SBTW Subcommittee Functions
All letters will be received via the SBTW 1937 S. Myrtle Ave , Monrovia, Ca 91016
Literature shipments will be drop shipped directly to the Sponsee after establishment of a
good faith sponsorship relationship between the Sponsor and assigned Sponsee
Address: SBTW Committee, 1937 S. Myrtle Ave , Monrovia, Ca 91016
Someone will contact you from the committee and schedule a phone interview after you fill this form out. Thank you for your interest.
Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!