Eastern Inland Empire Area Service Subcommittees

24-Hour Helpline
(909) 370-3568

or (800) 397-2333

Eastern Inland Empire Area

Area Service Committee

Activities Subcommittee

Day of the Dinosaurs Subcommittee

H&I Subcommittee

PR Subcommittee

Virtual Meeting Information

Virtual GSR Report


Sponsorship Behind the Walls

SBTW Signup Form

Eastern Inland Empire Area Narcotics Anonymous Service Subcommitees

The Eastern Inland Empire area of Narcotics Anonymous has serveral subcommittees that each focus on a specific on carrying the message to addicts.

Click on the tabs above for more information about each subcommittee and how to contact them.

Eastern Inland Empire Area Logo

Contact Us!

Contact our 24-hour helpline at
(909) 370-3568 or (800) 397-2333.

Llame a nuestra línea de asistencia en español:
(888) NA-AHORA.


Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!