Sponsorship Behind The Walls (SBTW)
24-Hour Helpline
(909) 370-3568
or (800) 397-2333

Our primary purpose is to support the Regional SBTW Committee by, through the mail, providing a Sponsor to work the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous to those people who are incarcerated in an institution and are not able to meet potential Sponsors at their local NA meetings.
Sponsorship is provided until release. Our interactions will only be via mail.
Our mission is to ensure that any addict seeking recovery through a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous has the opportunity to do so even in an institution. The area-level Sponsorship Behind The Walls (SBTW) Committee has been dissolved, but our area is looking for an SBTW Liaison to the Regional SBTW Committee. If you are interested in this position, please join us at the EIE Area Service Committee Meeting every 2nd Sunday of the month at 5:00 PM. The meeting is located at 4850 Jurupa Ave, Riverside, CA 92504.

Contact Us!
Contact our 24-hour helpline at
(909) 370-3568 or (800) 397-2333.
Llame a nuestra línea de asistencia en español:
(888) NA-AHORA.
Sponsorship Behind The Walls needs sponsors: Complete abstinence from all drugs for two years. Must have a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous. All correspondence will be anonymous via mail.They won’t know who you are or where you live. We especially need men to write men. There is currently over 150 men waiting for sponsors.
Maybe you want to be sponsor… email us at sbtw@eietodayna.org
1. Have you been clean for a minimum of two (2) years?
2. Do you have an NA Sponsor and carry a clear NA message?
3. Do you have a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous?
4. Are you willing to utilize the NA Step Working Guides as the primary means to work the 12 Steps?
5. Do you agree to abide by the guidelines of the SBTW subcommittee?
6. Are you willing to follow a group conscience you disagree with?
7. Are you willing to attend/report to the SBTW subcommittee meeting by attending the monthly meeting, checking in at the Area meeting or other ABTW event/meeting, or by sending a report (e.g. text, email)?
8. Are you willing to reply to any letter within two weeks of the date you receive a letter from your sponsee?
9. Do you agree to report to the committee if you are no longer available to be an SBTW sponsor and to pass on any contact information for sponsees who are still active?
10. Do you agree to refrain from using abusive/profane language and to refrain from providing personal telephone numbers, addresses, photos, and any other information that could be construed as to incriminate, implicate, or jeopardize the safety and the security of their facility, its staff, this subcommittee, or anyone else?
11. Do you agree not to visit or send anything to your sponsee other than NA-approved literature and letters (e.g. money, food/care packages, no envelopes, stamps, writing paper, writing implements, books, tapes, etc.)?
12. Do you agree not to engage in any activities with the sponsee other than step work by mail (i.e. pen pal, letters to the parole board, contacting people for the sponsee, providing information about outside enterprises)?
If you can agree to all this please email us at sbtw@eietodayna.org

Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!