Tri-Area UnitIE Day
Capture the Flag
24-Hour Helpline
(909) 370-3568
or (800) 397-2333

Tri-Area Meeting Currently holding the UNITIE flag is:
The Zoo
Thursday 7:30 – 9:00 PM

The Twelve Functions of Capturing the Flag
1. Only groups registered as members of the IEW, EIE, or IEF Areas of Narcotics Anonymous may participate.
2. In order for a group to Capture the Flag, 5 members must attend the meeting who currently has the flag.
3. The flag cannot be captured/passed until the meeting is over. It is recommended that the capture take place after the closing. At no time should the capture of the flag interrupt the primary purpose of Narcotics Anonymous meetings. All 5 home group members must be in the meeting from the opening prayer to the closing prayer.
4. If more than one Home group attends the meeting and wants to capture the flag the determining factor will be the group that has traveled the farthest.
5. If more than one home group attends the meeting and wants to capture the flag and has traveled the same distance, the group with the newest newcomer will be the tiebreaker.
6. When a home group captures/passes the flag from another group, the capture/pass must be reported to the Capture the Flag Coordinator via email or phone so they may update the websites promptly.
7. Once captured/passed, the flag must be present and displayed at all of the regularly scheduled meetings until it is captured by another group. If a home group that has captured the flag fails to display the flag, then it is forfeited back to UnitIE Day.
8. At no time should a capture be refused as long as the above-noted conditions are met.
9. In order to find out which group currently has possession of the flag, members can check the status on the IEW, EIE, or IEF websites, or call the UnitIE Day Flag Coordinator.
10. The home group that has possession of the flag during an activity in that respective area must send a member with the flag to the activity for display. If no member from that group plans to attend the activity, the Flag will be forfeited back to UnitIE Day.
11. The flag cannot be captured at a function; it must be captured at a regularly scheduled meeting.
12. The flag will be safe from capture for the 1st week that a new group has obtained it. Before a meeting can recapture the flag, it must have been captured by two other meetings.
Please remember the spirit of this event is to get members and newcomers alike to experience new Inland Empire meetings.
Note: Any group that has the flag in their possession may give it to a group that does not have 5 home group members.
Remember: the flag is not about prestige. It’s about NA unity in the Inland Empire Areas,
one home group supporting another home group.
Tri-Area Capture the Flag Coordinator:
Marie E. (909) 499-9040
Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!